Prevention is, and has always been, a watch-word of healthcare. Healthcare costs continue to rise at unsustainable rates and we expect longer lives, resulting in research, initiatives and even incentives to prevent illnesses, diseases and hospitalizations. When it...
Yes, we’ll be working hard today, and every day, to meet your home care needs. 365 days a year/24 hours per day/7 days per week , even on 2015 Opening Day. Now that’s dedication. Call us at 1-800-HOMECARE (in MO) or 618-466-3227 (in IL) to get...
Our nurses get rave reviews when they do skilled visits for our clients returning home from the hospital or when they’re recovering from a health decline. Did you known there is another easy, and affordable, way for a Cooperative Home Care nurse to check on your...
With patience, planning and creativity, you can enjoy an outing with your aging loved one this spring. We’ve even got your creativity covered: thank you, Explore St. Louis, for sharing these great, local, April 2015 events. 2015 U.S. Chess Championship and 2015...
Cooperative Home Care works very hard to support and to appreciate our caregivers, because we know how hard they work, caring for our clients. Many of us started our careers as caregivers, and many of us are the go-to caregiver in our family because of our healthcare...
Who can resist the miracle of spring? Today, we hope you roll down your windows and turn your face toward the warm sun. Let’s thrive on the energy of this season of renewal. Happy Spring!