Our May Monthly Team Meeting included the second time that all of our administrative employees used the Entrepreneurial Operating System (“EOS”) Level-10 Meeting format. BUT – what does that mean?
Our Leadership Team began implementing EOS almost three years ago. When a company commits to EOS, they can expect to achieve the goals they create in order to grow. EOS helps us dig in and achieve Traction, so that we are always progressing forward.
We have weekly goals (To-do’s), Quarterly goals (Rocks), and Annual goals. We also look ahead to 3, 5, and 10 year goals. The smaller goals connect with, and build on, the larger ones. I have to achieve my To-do’s in order to achieve my quarterly Rocks, and so on.
Now, we’ve begun implementing the Level-10 style meeting for all team members. The L-10 meeting reviews (among other things) our progress toward our To-do’s and Rocks. This important meeting also tackles the root cause if we don’t achieve goals: Issues. We follow a specific Identify, Discuss, and Solve (“IDS”) process and we don’t declare an Issue to be solved until the group agrees. Often, To-do’s and Rocks are generated to solve Issues. Another means to resolve Issues is to apply Honest, Open, and Transparent (“HOT”) communication. This takes courage and trust within your team. One way that we grow as a team is, (you guessed it), Team Building.
May’s Team Building reminded us how important communication is to our Team. You can’t talk over each other, and you must work together to achieve goals. While we all understand this, completing an exercise that completely depends on communication really drives home this point. We encourage you to implement regular Team Building within your organization. While our exercises tend to be pretty elaborate (which adds to the fun), you can keep it simpler and still make gains. Our Team is Our Family (Core Value #5)!