
Prepare for the Holidays – Holiday Senior Home Care

As we start to think about preparing for the holidays – the cards, the gifts, traveling, special meals – take time to think about how the seniors in your life will endure the holiday season. While your aging loved ones may have help from home health care personnel, it can be a tough time for seniors – especially those who are living alone. Here are some ways you can be supportive:

  • Be a good listener. Older adults who are alone may be mourning during the holidays – let them talk and try to listen.
  • It’s in the cards. Help your parent or loved one fill out holiday cards to stay connected to her friends and relatives. Show her cards that you have received from people that she may know, and sit down and help her open up and enjoy cards addressed to her.
  • Trim the tree. Do some light holiday decorating around their home to help them feel a part of the holiday. Showing that you care for them and their home surroundings will mean the world.

  • Socialize. Invite your elders’ friends and relatives over for a holiday gathering. Or arrange for various friends and relatives to stop by at different times. Research shows that social contact may be as effective as physical activity in improving mood, quality of life and overall well-being for older people.
  • Togetherness. More than anything else, spend time with seniors. Remind them how important they are to you and to other. Turn on some great holiday music, pour a glass of eggnog and make the visit feel special.
  • Child play. If possible, bring kids around – grandkids, neighbors’ children, friends and relatives. There is nothing like the presence of young kids to help one feel excited for the holidays. Have faith. Check with local churches or synagogues for religious services that offer living streaming at home. This is a great way to feel connected to the holidays.
  • Movie night. Bring over a favorite holiday movie and some traditional baked goods and have your own holiday celebration at any time. Just being together and enjoying a very “normal life activity” can be incredibly special to seniors who are not as active as you are.

It’s a busy time of year – but take that time to really care for your loved ones in their home and make the holidays special for both of you.

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