We’re recommitted to sharing terrific, functional content with our readers. Our blog’s mission since its inception in May 2010 has been to capture and keep your interest by:
- Offering more fundamental resources, not just what you would find through a quick internet search
- Writing about what is relevant to St. Louis and surrounding counties first, and to a broader audience second
- Providing truly useful home care information BEFORE you need it, AS you need it and even AFTER you need it
- Responding as quickly as possible to your questions and comments
With that said, here are widely varied local events to enjoy with your aging loved ones (or with your grandkids) to brighten your early February. Share your events in our comments.
Missouri Botanical Garden’s 2015 Orchid Show from 1-31-15 through 3-22-15; more info at mobot.org
Left Bank Books presents Mike Matheny promoting, “The Matheny Manifesto” on 2-2-15; more info at left-bank.com
Cantus on 2-6-15; more info at touhill.org
Curious George from 2-6-15 through 2-8-15; more info at florissantmo.com
Mardi Gras STL – Taste of Soulard 2-7-15 through 2-8-15; more info at stlmardigras.org
Happily Ever Laughter: A Valentine’s Party 2-14-15; more info at edison.wustl.edu
Home care questions? Call our dedicated Intake Nurse at 1-800-HOMECARE (in MO) or 618-466-3227 (in IL). Thank you for choosing Cooperative Home Care!