
Karaoke Warning!~Mitch Waks & Jim Guller, Owners & Cooperative’s Administrative Staff host St. Louis’ Caregivers Holiday Party today.  Office employees will roll up their sleeves and serve the caregivers delicious food from “The Hill”, there are also door prizes and awards presentations.  Laughter and karaoke are required at this awesome annual tradition!

A few days ago was the funeral for Roy Gardner. Roy had been with our agency for 16yrs. His brother Willie, is still with our agency. The funeral service was nice, a bit sad. He left a lot of kids and a fiancé.

I had the privilege of speaking at his service and the message I gave the family was that regardless of your beliefs, what we know is that Roy was doing holy work. Taking care of people who could no longer care for themselves. Wiping their brow, mending their wounds. Dressing them and feeding them and bringing comfort to them with a big smile. And if we measure a man by what he accomplishes here on earth with the time we are given, then surely Roy is measured as a giant of a man.

So many of our caregivers do just this holy work every day. Tomorrow get up from your desk, or whenever your office’s holiday party is, get up and say thank you to our caregivers.

Thank you for caring for our patients, thank you for choosing to work at Cooperative, thank you for my job. Thank you for doing holy work. I want to see everybody in St. Louis, up and giving thanks. For Roy and Willie and all of our heroes.


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