Since 2019, Cooperative has used EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) to operate our business. EOS has six main parts: People, Vision, Data, Issues, Process and Traction. Understanding and implementing EOS is a lifelong process.
Today’s short and sweet concept is one many of us already know: our Mission Statement.
We are dedicated to the success of our clients and our employees. We are committed to the delivery of quality healthcare services.
When you take a moment to understand what our Mission means, it becomes very easy to remember. Bottom line, we care about our clients and each other; we are going to work hard to provide the best home care possible.
We’ve incorporated EOS throughout our updated website that went live this week. The About Us page is a great place to learn and reinforce many key EOS concepts and how they apply to Cooperative. Sharing this information on our website and our social media pages is one example of our commitment to the EOS process.
Talk About Traction,