
30anniEverywhere you look, we are searching for ways for our care company to bring happiness and meaning into our lives. We know we should appreciate every living moment, but almost all of us flounder in our quest for happy. We scroll online, clicking on articles that share how to improve our mood and the habits of happy people. Yet, a powerful and proven way to feel better is as easy as helping someone else.

“Experiments have actually demonstrated again and again that kindness toward others actually causes us to be happier, improves our health, and lengthens our lives.” Dr. Christine L. Carter, Ph.D., What We Get When We Give; Raising Happiness (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/raising-happiness/201002/what-we-get-when-we-give)

Cooperative Home Care, Inc., headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, was inspired by their 30th year anniversary to celebrate in a meaningful way. They chose to complete at least 30 service projects in their 30th year to commemorate the milestone. Along the way, they’re discovering how helping others has made them feel better, which has also contributed to a positive culture boost within their organization.

“I can’t believe how interesting and inspiring it has been to discover so many local charities,” said Dan Decker, General Manager of Cooperative Home Care, Inc. “Moreover, it’s incredible to see how one person’s passion to help, can grow into a viable organization. These are people who want to help others and who are doing something about it.”

As Cooperative Home Care, Inc. nears the midway point of their “Serving & Celebrating in Our 30th Year” campaign, they have completed more than half of their 30 projects goal. While some projects include larger organizations such as Ronald McDonald House Charities and Meals on Wheels, many projects pair them with local efforts like the St. Louis Area Diaper Bank and the Immigrant & Refugee Women’s Program. More still were inspired by an employee’s connection to a cause, including PurpleStride 2016 St. Louis Pancreatic Cancer Walk and a local fundraising kickball tournament.

“I see employees connecting differently and sincerely through this campaign. When you are teaming up to do something great for someone else it improves communication,” concludes Pam Murrell, Finance, of Cooperative Home Care, Inc. “You can also work through smaller things more easily when there is a feeling of mutual understanding and support.”

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